Abnormal Pap smears and HPV are very common. Most women at some point in their life will have either one. We specialize in colposcopy, an office procedure to examine the cervix after an abnormal Pap smear or positive HPV test. Colposcopy is a procedure which takes a few minutes and is generally well-tolerated. It is an important procedure to identify areas of abnormality on the cervix, vagina or vulva. When dysplasia (abnormal, precancerous changes) is identified, it can be treated before it has the chance to develop into a cancer.
Dr. Nishida specializes in colposcopy of the cervix, vagina and vulva. She has particular expertise in colposcopy in pregnancy. If you have had an abnormal Pap smear and/or positive HPV test, we can evaluate you and help plan your best treatment course. We welcome self-referrals and referrals from your physician. Dr. Nishida works with a team of interdisciplinary specialists and can request your Pap smear to be reviewed by an expert Gyn Cytopathologist.
Preparing for your visit:
Please request that your Pap smear, HPV, or biopsy results be sent directly to us prior to your appointment or bring them with you to your office visit. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Nishida will take the time to address them. We will do our best to reassure you of our findings and to alleviate your fears at the time of your visit.